Thursday, March 26, 2009

New ASMP National President from Pittsburgh!

As a professional Pittsburgh photographer, and founding Pittsburgh ASMP chapter member, I'd like to thank Richard Kelly and say congratulations for stepping up to ASMP National President. This job is not for the weak of heart. There are lots of arrows to dodge and critics to deal with, all while trying to maintain your own photography business. I have worked with Richard in the past on the local board of directors and I'm confident he will remain focused and on message about the changes that need to take place within the National Organization.

ASMP is a funny place. Lots of everyone saying they could do things better, but then those very same people not stepping up and volunteering to do the heavy lifting. In the past few years, Richard has taken on the role as a photo educator and has helped many young students and aspiring photographers understand that our business is more than just "taking pictures", but instead an ever moving target of economic swings, copyright battles, and professional communication in the new digital age.

I wish Richard the best and I'm sure all my other Pittsburgh photographer ASMP members do as well.

Also a big thanks is in order to the local board for hosting a wonderful presentation on "The New Social Media" with Rosh Sillars last night at Point Park University. The talk was well attended and I learned a few things, which is always a great thing!

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